
Tailored Implants Made of PVDF


DynaMesh®-LICHTENSTEIN and DynaMesh®-LICHTENSTEIN visible implants are intended for the surgical treatment of inguinal hernias and permanently bridge and reinforce the soft tissue in the groin region in the area of the hernia defect.

DynaMesh®-LICHTENSTEINProduct RangeUse and PropertiesFurther Product Information


For example: inguinal hernia, left side



Varying Pore Size
The devices have areas with different pore sizes.


Prefabricated Slit & Smooth Warp-Knitted Selvedges
The devices have a prefabricated slit with smooth warp-knitted selvedges, and they have tear propagation resistance [TR82].


Visibility & Handling
The colouring provides better intraoperative visibility and handling of the device.



[#] Reference “#” (see “References”)
[TR#] Internal test report (see “internal test report references”)
Limitations “A” animal trial, “B” bench test, “VIT” in-vitro trial, “P” published results based on the analysis of human mesh explants, “PB” published results mainly based on bench tests

When selecting the mesh size, ensure sufficient overlap!

DynaMesh®-LICHTENSTEIN 06 cm x 11 cm PV110611F1/F3/F5/F10
DynaMesh®-LICHTENSTEIN 7.5 cm x 15 cm PV110715F1/F3/F5/F10
DynaMesh®-LICHTENSTEIN 10 cm x 15 cm PV111015F1/F3/F5
DynaMesh®-LICHTENSTEIN visible 06 cm x 11 cm PV170611F3/F10
DynaMesh®-LICHTENSTEIN visible 7.5 cm x 15 cm PV170715F1/F3/F10
FX = X unit(s)/box (e.g. F3 = 3 unit(s)/box)
Can be used both for the right and the left side.

Product DynaMesh®-LICHTENSTEIN (1)
DynaMesh®-LICHTENSTEIN visible (2)
Surgical Treatment Inguinal Hernias
Surgical Approach Open
Surgical Technique Lichtenstein
Mesh Position Onlay (Anterior)
Fixation Sutures / Tacks / Tissue Adhesives*
Coloured Filaments Green (1) / Black (2)
Smooth Warp-Knitted Selvedges
Visible Technology
graue_punkte (1) / gruene_punkte (2)
Materials  – Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) (CAS 24937-79-9) > 99% (w/w) (1) (2)
– Phthalocyanine green (CAS 1328-53-6) < 1% (w/w) (1)
– Triiron tetraoxide (CAS 1317-61-9) < 1% (w/w) (2)
Polymer (Monofilament) PVDF
gruene_punkte [TR1]
Ageing Resistance
gruene_punkte [2A, 5VIT, 27A, 52VIT, 93A, 101]
Tear Propagation Resistance
gruene_punkte [TR82]
Effective Porosity
gruene_punkte High effective porosity reduces inflammation and the risk of excessive scar formation. [103P, TR83]
Klinge’s Mesh Classification Class 1a [102P, TR83]
* Tissue adhesive can be used for fixation for direct or indirect inguinal hernias with a defect size of 1.5 cm to 3 cm (European Hernia Society Classification: M2 or L2).
gruene_punkte Applies to all product sizes
gaue_punkte Does not apply
[#] Reference “#” (see “References”)
[TR#] Internal test report (see “internal test report references”)
Limitations “A” animal trial, “B” bench test, “VIT” in-vitro trial,
“P” published results based on the analysis of human mesh explants,
“PB” published results mainly based on bench tests

DynaMesh® Catalogue

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DynaMesh®-IPST, DynaMesh®-IPST visible, DynaMesh®-IPST-D visible, DynaMesh®-IPST-R and DynaMesh®-IPST-R visible implants are intended for the surgical treatment of parastomal hernias, and the prevention (not DynaMesh®-IPST-R or DynaMesh®-IPST-R visible) of parastomal hernias following ostomy surgery, and permanently bridge and reinforce the soft tissue of the abdominal wall in the area of the stoma.

DynaMesh®-IPSTProduct RangeUse and PropertiesVideosFurther Product Information




3D Funnel
The device has a passage point with a connected funnel for the passage of the intestine. The base area of the device must be positioned in contact with the tissue, as flat and smooth as possible, with the funnel pointing in the direction of the abdominal cavity.
When selecting the device, the diameter of the passage point should be chosen so that the intestine is tightly sheathed in the funnel.





Prefabricated Slit & Smooth Warp-Knitted Selvedges
Only DynaMesh®-IPST-R and DynaMesh®-IPST-R visible have a one-sided slit along the funnel and the base area (mesh flaps), starting from the passage point.
During positioning, the tight sheathing of the intestine in the funnel is achieved through appropriate overlapping of the mesh flaps with non-absorbable closure of the aperture.



Prevention and Repair of Parastomal Hernia

The diameter of the mesh funnel should be chosen so that the intestine is tightly sheathed. In repair, sufficient defect overlap and coverage of the base of the passage is necessary. When using DynaMesh®-IPST-D visible, attention must be paid to the side specificity (left-sided/right-sided stoma).

DynaMesh®-IPST Funnel length: 4.0 cm ø 02 cm x 15 cm x 15 cm (L4) IP072415F1
DynaMesh®-IPST Funnel length: 2.5 cm ø 02 cm x 15 cm x 15 cm IP070215F1
DynaMesh®-IPST Funnel length: 2.5 cm ø 02 cm x 25 cm x 25 cm IP070225F1
DynaMesh®-IPST Funnel length: 2.5 cm ø 03 cm x 16 cm x 16 cm IP070316F1
DynaMesh®-IPST Funnel length: 2.5 cm ø 04 cm x 17 cm x 17 cm IP070417F1
DynaMesh®-IPST visible Funnel length: 4.0 cm ø 02 cm x 15 cm x 15 cm (L4) IP082415F1
DynaMesh®-IPST visible Funnel length: 2.5 cm ø 02 cm x 15 cm x 15 cm IP080215F1
DynaMesh®-IPST visible Funnel length: 2.5 cm ø 03 cm x 16 cm x 16 cm IP080316F1
DynaMesh®-IPST-D visible Funnel length: 4.0 cm ø 02 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm (L4) left

Important: Side specificity (left-sided/right-sided stoma)

DynaMesh®-IPST-D visible Funnel length: 4.0 cm ø 02 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm (L4) right

Important: Side specificity (left-sided/right-sided stoma)

FX = X unit(s)/box (e.g. F3 = 3 unit(s)/box)


Repair of Parastomal Hernia

With DynaMesh®-IPST-R and DynaMesh®-IPST-R visible, a tight sheathing of the intestine is achieved by a suitable overlap of the mesh flaps with non-absorbable closure.

DynaMesh®-IPST-R Funnel length: 3.5 cm ø 03 cm x 16 cm x 16 cm (L3.5) IP103316F1
DynaMesh®-IPST-R visible Funnel length: 3.5 cm ø 03 cm x 16 cm x 16 cm (L3.5) IP113316F1
FX = X unit(s)/box (e.g. F3 = 3 unit(s)/box)
Product DynaMesh®-IPST (1)
DynaMesh®-IPST visible (2)
DynaMesh®-IPST-D visible (3)
DynaMesh®-IPST-R (4)
DynaMesh®-IPST-R visible (5)
Surgical Treatment Parastomal Hernia
(Repair / Prevention) (1) – (3) / (Repair) (4) (5)
Surgical Approach Minimally Invasive / Open
Surgical Technique Chimney Technique
Mesh Position Intraperitoneal
Fixation Suture / Tacks / No Fibrin Glue
Green Filament Ends
Smooth Warp-Knitted Selvedges graue_punkte (1) – (3) / gruene_punkte (4) (5)
Visible Technology
graue_punkte (1) (4) / gruene_punkte (2) (3) (5)
Materials – Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) (CAS 24937-79-9) > 85% (w/w) (1) – (5)
– Polypropylene (PP) (CAS 9003-07-0) < 13% (w/w) (1) – (5)
– Phthalocyanine green (CAS 1328-53-6) < 1% (w/w) (1) – (5)
– Triiron tetraoxide (CAS 1317-61-9) < 1% (w/w) (2) (3) (5)
Polymers (Monofilament) PVDF, PP
gruene_punkte [TR1]
Ageing Resistance
gruene_punkte [2A, 5VIT, 27A, 52VIT, 93A, 101]
Effective Porosity
gruene_punkte High effective porosity reduces inflammation and the risk of excessive scar formation. [103P, TR71]
Klinge’s Mesh Classification Class 1a [102P, TR71B]
gruene_punkte Applies to all product sizes
gaue_punkte Does not apply
[#] Reference “#” (see “References”)
[TR#] Internal test report (see “internal test report references”)
Limitations “A” animal trial, “B” bench test, “VIT” in-vitro trial,
“P” published results based on the analysis of human mesh explants,
“PB” published results mainly based on bench tests

DynaMesh®-IPST implants (1)-(5) must be inserted via an appropriate minimally invasive or open approach and must be placed intraperitoneally.

DynaMesh®-IPST implants (1)-(5) have a parietal side and a visceral side. The parietal side is identified by green filament ends and consists of PVDF on the surface and a small proportion of PP, whereas the visceral side consists of PVDF on the surface.

When using DynaMesh®-IPST-D visible (3), attention must be paid to the side specificity (left-sided/right-sided stoma), through which a particularly large overlap in a cranial as well as in a medial direction is ensured.

When positioning DynaMesh®-IPST-R and DynaMesh®-IPST-R visible (4) (5), the tight sheathing of the intestine in the funnel is achieved through appropriate overlapping of the mesh flaps with non-absorbable closure of the aperture.

DynaMesh® Catalogue

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DynaMesh®-IPOM and DynaMesh®-IPOM visible implants are intended for the surgical treatment of epigastric hernias, umbilical or incisional hernias, and the treatment of parastomal hernias following ostomy surgery, and permanently bridge and reinforce the soft tissue of the abdominal wall in the area of the abdominal wall defect.

DynaMesh®-IPOMProduct RangeUse and PropertiesVideosFurther Product Information

DynaMesh®-IPOM and DynaMesh®-IPOM visible implants are primarily made of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF).
The mesh implants are warp-knitted using coloured and uncoloured polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) monofilaments and uncoloured polypropylene (PP) monofilaments.


DynaMesh®-IPOM and DynaMesh®-IPOM visible implants have a parietal side and a visceral side. The parietal side is identified by the green filament ends and consists of PVDF on the surface and a small proportion of PP, whereas the visceral side consists of PVDF on the surface.

The mesh implant must be placed in such a way that the green filament ends are always oriented towards the abdominal wall. At the same time, the mesh implant must be oriented so that the green filament ends are cranial or caudal.



Intraoperative view


When cutting, care must be taken to ensure that the parietal side of the device can still be identified without any doubt. With epigastric hernias, umbilical and parastomal hernias following ostomy surgery, it is crucial to overlap the hernia orifice, whereas with incisional hernias it is crucial to overlap the scar tissue.
For further information on cutting/overlapping, please refer to the instructions for use.

DynaMesh®-IPOM d 12 cm round IP070012F1/F3
DynaMesh®-IPOM 07 cm x 06 cm IP070706F1/F5
DynaMesh®-IPOM 10 cm x 15 cm IP071015F1/F3
DynaMesh®-IPOM 15 cm x 15 cm IP071515F1/F3/F5
DynaMesh®-IPOM 15 cm x 20 cm IP071520F1/F3/F5
DynaMesh®-IPOM 15 cm x 40 cm IP071540F1
DynaMesh®-IPOM 20 cm x 20 cm IP072020F1
DynaMesh®-IPOM 20 cm x 25 cm IP072025F1
DynaMesh®-IPOM 20 cm x 30 cm IP072030F1/F3
DynaMesh®-IPOM 28 cm x 37 cm IP072837F1
DynaMesh®-IPOM 30 cm x 30 cm IP073030F1
DynaMesh®-IPOM 30 cm x 45 cm IP073045F1
DynaMesh®-IPOM visible d 12 cm round IP080012F1/F3
DynaMesh®-IPOM visible 07 cm x 06 cm IP080706F5
DynaMesh®-IPOM visible 10 cm x 15 cm IP081015F1
DynaMesh®-IPOM visible 15 cm x 15 cm IP081515F1/F3
DynaMesh®-IPOM visible 15 cm x 20 cm IP081520F1/F3
DynaMesh®-IPOM visible 20 cm x 20 cm IP082020F1
DynaMesh®-IPOM visible 20 cm x 25 cm IP082025F1
DynaMesh®-IPOM visible 20 cm x 30 cm IP082030F1/F3
DynaMesh®-IPOM visible 28 cm x 37 cm IP082837F1
DynaMesh®-IPOM visible 30 cm x 30 cm IP083030F1
DynaMesh®-IPOM visible 30 cm x 45 cm IP083045F1
FX = X unit(s)/box (e.g. F3 = 3 unit(s)/box)
size: laterolateral x craniocaudal

Product DynaMesh®-IPOM (1)
DynaMesh®-IPOM visible (2)
Surgical Treatment Umbilical Hernias / Epigastric Hernias /
Incisional Hernias / Parastomal Hernias
Surgical Approach Minimally Invasive / Open
Mesh Position Intraperitoneal* according to the intraperitoneal onlay mesh technique (IPOM).
Fixation Suture / Tacks / No Fibrin Glue
Green Filament Ends gruene_punkte
Visible Technology graue_punkte (1) / gruene_punkte (2)
Materials – Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) (CAS 24937-79-9) > 85% (w/w) (1) (2)
– Polypropylene (PP) (CAS 9003-07-0) < 13% (w/w) (1) (2)
– Phthalocyanine green (CAS 1328-53-6) < 1% (w/w) (1) (2)
– Triiron tetraoxide (CAS 1317-61-9) < 1% (w/w)  (2)
Polymers (Monofilament) PVDF, PP
gruene_punkte [TR1]
Ageing Resistance
gruene_punkte [2A, 5VIT, 27A, 52VIT, 93A, 101]
Tear Propagation Resistance
gruene_punkte [TR62]
Effective Porosity
gruene_punkte High effective porosity reduces inflammation and the risk of excessive scar formation. [103P, TR64]
Klinge’s Mesh Classification Class 1a [102P, TR64]
* In particular cases with an extraperitoneal mesh position in which there is a risk of contact between the mesh implant and the intestine, the device may also be placed extraperitoneally in onlay, sublay and/or preperitoneal mesh position.
gruene_punkte Applies to all product sizes
gaue_punkte Does not apply
[#] Reference “#” (see “References”)
[TR#] Internal test report (see “internal test report references”)
Limitations “A” animal trial, “B” bench test, “VIT” in-vitro trial,
“P” published results based on the analysis of human mesh explants,
“PB” published results mainly based on bench tests


DynaMesh®-IPOM and DynaMesh®-IPOM visible implants have a parietal side and a visceral side. The parietal side is identified by green filament ends and consists of PVDF on the surface and a small proportion of PP, whereas the visceral side consists of PVDF on the surface.

DynaMesh® Catalogue

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DynaMesh®-CICAT and DynaMesh®-CICAT visible implants are intended for the surgical treatment of epigastric hernias, umbilical or incisional hernias, and the prevention of incisional hernias, and permanently bridge and reinforce the soft tissue of the abdominal wall in the area of the abdominal wall defect.

DynaMesh®-CICATProduct RangeUse and PropertiesVideosFurther Product Information

Anti-Slip Surface
The devices have an anti-slip surface that ensures stable positioning of the mesh with reduced fixation compared to other devices available on the market. [132PB, 133PB, 134]

Dynamometric Positioning
For the correct dynamometric positioning of the device, ensure that the green or black marking strips are in a cranio-caudal orientation.

High Effective Porosity
The devices have a high effective porosity, which is known to reduce inflammation and the risk of excessive scar formation. [103P, TR33, TR35]


The device must not be placed partially or completely intraperitoneally.



[#] Reference “#”(see “References”)
[TR#] Internal test report (see “internal test report references”)
Limitations “A” animal trial, “B” bench test, “VIT” in-vitro trial, “P” published results based on the analysis of human mesh explants, “PB” published results mainly based on bench tests

When selecting and cutting the device, sufficient defect/scar overlap must be ensured to minimise the likelihood of the hernia recurring. With epigastric hernias and umbilical hernias, it is crucial to overlap the hernia orifice, whereas with incisional hernias it is crucial to overlap the scar tissue.

DynaMesh®-CICAT d 10 cm round PV090010F1/F3
DynaMesh®-CICAT 05 cm x 06 cm PV090506F1/F5
DynaMesh®-CICAT 10 cm x 10 cm PV091010F1/F3/F5
DynaMesh®-CICAT 15 cm x 15 cm PV091515F1/F3
DynaMesh®-CICAT 30 cm x 30 cm PV093030F1/F2
DynaMesh®-CICAT 10 cm x 15 cm PV091015F5
DynaMesh®-CICAT 10 cm x 35 cm PV091035F1/F2
DynaMesh®-CICAT 15 cm x 25 cm PV091525F1/F2/F5
DynaMesh®-CICAT 15 cm x 30 cm PV091530F1/F2/F5
DynaMesh®-CICAT 15 cm x 60 cm PV091560F1
DynaMesh®-CICAT 18 cm x 40 cm PV091840F2
DynaMesh®-CICAT 20 cm x 30 cm PV092030F1/F2/F5
DynaMesh®-CICAT 30 cm x 45 cm PV093045F1/F3
DynaMesh®-CICAT 45 cm x 60 cm PV094560F1
DynaMesh®-CICAT 27 cm x 15 cm PV092715F1/F2
40 cm x 20 cm PV094020F1/F2
DynaMesh®-CICAT visible d 10 cm round PV160010F3
DynaMesh®-CICAT visible 05 cm x 06 cm PV160506F1/F5
DynaMesh®-CICAT visible 10 cm x 10 cm PV161010F3
DynaMesh®-CICAT visible 15 cm x 15 cm PV161515F3
DynaMesh®-CICAT visible 07 cm x 35 cm PV160735F1/F5
DynaMesh®-CICAT visible 10 cm x 35 cm PV161035F2
DynaMesh®-CICAT visible 15 cm x 25 cm PV161525F2/F5
DynaMesh®-CICAT visible 15 cm x 30 cm PV161530F2
DynaMesh®-CICAT visible 18 cm x 40 cm PV161840F2
DynaMesh®-CICAT visible 20 cm x 30 cm PV162030F1/F2/F5
DynaMesh®-CICAT visible 30 cm x 45 cm PV163045F1/F3
DynaMesh®-CICAT visible 45 cm x 60 cm PV164560F1
DynaMesh®-CICAT visible 40 cm x 20 cm PV164020F1
FX = X unit(s)/box (e.g. F3 = 3 unit(s)/box)
size: laterolateral x craniocaudal
Product DynaMesh®-CICAT (1)
DynaMesh®-CICAT visible (2)
Surgical Treatment Epigastric Hernias / Umbilical Hernias / Incisional Hernias
Prevention: Incisional Hernia
Surgical Approach Minimally Invasive / Open
Mesh Position Extraperitoneal
(onlay, sublay and/or preperitoneal)
Fixation Sutures / Tacks / Tissue Adhesives
Marking Strips Green (1) / Black (2)
Visible Technology graue_punkte (1) / gruene_punkte (2)
Materials – Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) (CAS 24937-79-9) > 99% (w/w) (1) (2)
– Phthalocyanine green (CAS 1328-53-6) < 1% (w/w) (1)
– Triiron tetraoxide (CAS 1317-61-9) < 1% (w/w) (2)
Polymer (Monofilament)
gruene_punkte [TR1]
Ageing Resistance
gruene_punkte [2A, 5VIT, 27A, 52VIT, 93A, 101]
Dynamometric Properties
gruene_punkte [TR38, 128P, 129]
Tear Propagation Resistance
gruene_punkte [TR31]
Anti-Slip Surface
gruene_punkte [132PB, 133PB, 134]
Effective Porosity gruene_punkteHigh effective porosity reduces inflammation and the risk of excessive scar formation. [103P, TR33, TR35]
Klinge’s Mesh Classification Class 1a [102P, TR33, TR35]
DynaMesh®-CICAT implants must be placed extraperitoneally in onlay, sublay and/or preperitoneal mesh position.
gruene_punkte Applies to all product sizes
gaue_punkte Does not apply
[#] Reference “#” (see “References”)
[TR#] Internal test report (see “internal test report references”)
Limitations “A” animal trial, “B” bench test, “VIT” in-vitro trial,
“P” published results based on the analysis of human mesh explants,
“PB” published results mainly based on bench tests

Videos: DynaMesh®-CICAT

DynaMesh® Catalogue

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