
Tailored Implants Made of PVDF

DynaMesh® visible

All DynaMesh® visible implants can be properly visualised in vivo using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), facilitating analysis of correct surgical technique and mesh placement. [7, 29A, 51, 54, 56, 62, 69-71, 76, 90, 115]

MRI sequences can be used to create three-dimensional reconstructions to check the position and condition of the mesh implant.

DynaMesh® visible is the world’s first technology that enables non-invasive visualisation of textile implants in vivo.

The black coloured filaments contain a small proportion of triiron tetraoxide that is incorporated into the polymer matrix. This innovation has won an award from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (FKZ 01EZ0849).



in the innovation competition
hosted by the


The development was supported
by the General Federal Ministry
of Education and Research
(FKZ 01EZ0849).


[#] Reference “#” (see “References”)
[TR#] Internal test report (see “internal test report references”)
Limitations “A” animal trial, “B” bench test, “VIT” in-vitro trial, “P” published results based on the analysis of human mesh explants, “PB” published results mainly based on bench tests


DynaMesh®-PRS visible
From magnetic resonance imaging to three-dimensional reconstruction

DynaMesh®-ENDOLAP visible
From magnetic resonance imaging to three-dimensional reconstruction

In MRI, the body part to be examined is scanned stepwise and captured as a sectional image sequence. Among other things, a three-dimensional reconstruction can be created from the sectional images.

Videos: DynaMesh® visible technology