
Tailored Implants Made of PVDF


DynaMesh®-PRM and DynaMesh®-PRM visible implants are intended to be used as a suburethral sling for the surgical treatment of male stress urinary incontinence. The devices permanently reinforce the soft tissue of the pelvic floor and permanently relocates the posterior urethra.

DynaMesh®-PRMProduct RangeUse and PropertiesVideosFurther Product Information

The device must be inserted via an appropriate perineal approach and is positioned suburethrally under tension, in a transobturator tape position using the outside-in technique.

Diameter: 7 cm

Diameter: 5 cm

DynaMesh®-IST02 / DynaMesh®-IST03:
Instrument set consisting of two instruments for transobturator positioning using the outside-in technique.


DynaMesh®-PRM 04 cm x 03 cm PV330453F1
DynaMesh®-PRM visible 04 cm x 03 cm PV730453F1
FX = X unit(s)/box (e.g. F3 = 3 unit(s)/box)
Product DynaMesh®-PRM (1)
DynaMesh®-PRM visible (2)
Surgical Treatment Male Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI)
Sugical Approach Perineal
Surgical Technique Male Sling TOT – Transobturator – Outside-In
Fixation Suture / Synthetic Adhesive
Smooth Warp-Knitted Selvedges
Visible Technology graue_punkte (1) / gruene_punkte (2)
Materials – Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) (CAS 24937-79-9) > 99% (w/w) (1) (2)
– Phthalocyanine green (CAS 1328-53-6) < 1% (w/w) (1)
– Triiron tetraoxide (CAS 1317-61-9) < 1% (w/w) (2)
Polymer (Monofilament) PVDF
Ageing resistance
gruene_punkte [2A, 5VIT, 27A, 52VIT, 93A, 101]
gruene_punkte Applicable
gaue_punkte Does not apply
[#] Reference “#” (see “References”)
[TR#] Internal test report (see “internal test report references”)
Limitations “A” animal trial, “B” bench test, “VIT” in-vitro trial,
“P” published results based on the analysis of human mesh explants,
“PB” published results mainly based on bench tests

DynaMesh® Catalogue

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