
Tailored Implants Made of PVDF

Innovations Award Aachen 2003

«…The Innovations Award Aachen 2003 went to the company FEG Textiltechnik this year. By that an enterprise from the textile line of business was awarded the first time. Most of the enterprises from that line of business had to close their gates during the last fifty years. FEG Textiltechnik however is a proof that know-how from Aachen is still worldclass and that the structural change also in this line of business was carried out by innovations…»




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f.l.t.r.: C. Meulenbergh (District Administrator County of Aachen), S. Schneemelcher and Dr. B. Obolenski (Managing Directors FEG Textiltechnik mbH), Dr. J. Linden (Mayor City of Aachen)